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Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilization Principles and Practice
by Russell, Hugo & Ayliffe’s


A pedido de JAY.

Table of Contents
Part 1: Principles
1 Historical introduction
Adam P Praise
2 Types of antimicrobial agents
Suzanne L Moore and David N Payne
3 Factors influencin g the efficac y of antimicrobial agents
A Denver Russell
4 Biofilm s and antimicrobial resistance
Peter Gilbert, Alexander H Rickard and Andrew J McBain
5 Mechanisms of action of biocides
Peter A Lambert
6 Bacterial resistance
6.1 Intrinsic resistance of Gram-negative bacteria
David J Stickler
6.2 Acquired resistance
Keith Poole
6.3 Resistance of bacterial spores to chemical agents
Peter A Lambert
6.4 Mycobactericidal agents
Peter M Hawkey
7 Antifunga l activity of disinfectants
7.1 Antifunga l activity of biocides
Jean-Yves Maillard
7.2 Evaluation of the antibacterial and antifunga l activity of disinfectants
Gerald Reybrouck
8 Sensitivity of protozoa to disinfectants
8.1 Acanthamoeba, contact lenses and disinfection
Neil A Turner
8.2 Intestinal protozoa and biocides
Jean-Yves Maillard
9 Viricidal activity of biocides
Jean-Yves Maillard
10 Transmissible degenerative encephalopathies: inactivation of the unconventional causal agents
David M Taylor
Part 2: Practice
11 Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy
Ronald J W Lambert
12 Sterilization
12.1 Heat sterilization
Grahame W Gould
12.2 Radiation sterilization
Peter A Lambert
12.3 Gaseous sterilization
Jean-Yves Dusseau, Patrick Duroselle and Jean Freney
12.4 Filtration sterilization
Stephen P. Denyer and Norman A. Hodges
13 New and emerging technologies
Grahame W Gould
14 Preservation of medicines and cosmetics
Sarah J Hiom
15 Reuse of single-use devices
Geoffrey W Hanlon
16 Sterility assurance: concepts, methods and problems
Rosamund M Baird
17 Special problems in hospital antisepsis
Manfred L Rotter
18 Decontamination of the environment and medical equipment in hospitals
Adam P Fraise
19 Treatment of laundry and clinical waste in hospitals
Christina R Bradley
20 Other health-related issues
20.1 Special issues in dentistry
Jeremy Bagg and Andrew Smith
20.2 Veterinary practice
Anders Engvall and Susanna Sternberg
20.3 Recreational and hydrotherapy pools
John V Dadswell
21 Good manufacturing practice
Elaine Underwood

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