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Learning MATLAB by Tobin A. Driscoll

Learning MATLAB

Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 The fifty-cent tour
1.2 Graphical versus command-line usage
1.3 Help
1.4 Basic commands and syntax
1.5 Saving and loading work
1.6 Things about MATLAB that are very nice to know, but which often do not come to the attention of beginners
2 Arrays and Matrices
2.1 Building arrays and matrices
2.2 Referencing elements
2.3 Matrix operations
2.4 Array operations
2.5 Sparse matrices
3 Scripts and Functions
3.1 Using scripts effectively
3.2 Functions and workspaces
3.3 Conditionals: if and switch
3.4 Loops: for and while
3.5 Debugging and profiling
4 More on Functions
4.1 Function handles and anonymous functions
4.2 Subfunctions and nested functions
4.3 Errors and warnings
4.4 Input and output arguments, revisited
5 Graphics
5.1 Data plots versus function plots
5.1.1 ez plots
5.1.2 Two-dimensional data plots
5.1.3 Three-dimensional data plots
5.2 Annotation
5.3 Handles and properties
5.4 Color
5.5 Saving and exporting figures
5.6 Other common graphics techniques
6 Advanced Techniques
6.1 Memory preallocation
6.2 Vectorization
6.3 Masking
6.4 Scoping exceptions
6.5 Strings
6.6 Cell arrays
6.7 Structures
7 Scientific Computing
7.1 Linear algebra
7.2 Iterative linear algebra
7.3 Rootfinding
7.4 Optimization
7.5 Data fitting and interpolation
7.6 Integration
7.7 Initial-value problems
7.8 Boundary-value problems
7.9 Time-dependent partial differential equations

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