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Organic Chemistry I - Wordbook for Dummies by Arthur Winter, PhD

Organic Chemistry I - Wordbook for Dummies

Contents at a Glance
Part I: The Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Chapter 1:Working with Models and Molecules
Chapter 2: Speaking Organic Chemistry: Drawing and Abbreviating Lewis Structures
Chapter 3: Drawing Resonance Structures
Chapter 4: Working with Acids and Bases
Part II: The Bones of Organic Molecules: The Hydrocarbons
Chapter 5: Seeing Molecules in 3-D: Stereochemistry
Chapter 6: The Skeletons of Organic Molecules: The Alkanes
Chapter 7: Shaping Up with Bond Calisthenics and Conformation
Chapter 8: Doubling Down: The Alkenes
Chapter 9: Tripling the Fun: Alkyne Reactions and Nomenclature
Part III: Functional Groups and Their Reactions
Chapter 10: The Leaving Group Boogie: Substitution and Elimination of Alkyl Halides
Chapter 11: Not as Thunk as You Drink I Am: The Alcohols
Chapter 12: Conjugated Dienes and the Diels-Alder Reaction
Chapter 13: The Power of the Ring: Aromatic Compounds
Part IV: Detective Work: Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
Chapter 14: Breaking Up (Isn’t Hard to Do): Mass Spectrometry
Chapter 15: Cool Vibrations: IR Spectroscopy
Chapter 16: Putting Molecules under the Magnet: NMR Spectroscopy
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 17: The Ten Commandments of Organic Chemistry
Chapter 18: Ten Tips for Acing Orgo Exams

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