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Packaging Research in Food Product Design and Development by R. Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, John Lawlor, Rosires Deliza

Table of Contents
Part I Methods, Materials, and Mind-Sets
1 A Practitioner’s Guide to Research, or What You Should Know
2 Consumer Packaging: Important Functionally, but Not Attitudinally
3 Starting at the Beginning: Experimenting to Discover What Shape “Wins”
4 Patterns in Packages: Learning from Many Packages and Many Attributes
5 A Gentle Introduction to the World of Systematics
6 Identify What Works by Letting the Competition Do the Work
7 Psychophysics and the Issue of Price/Value
Part II Ideas and Inspirations
8 Idea Factories: Where Do Packaging (and Other) Ideas Come from?
9 Defi ning the New Package: Specifying the Package at the Concept Level
10 What Should My Package Say?
11 What Concepts Tell Us versus What Packages Tell Us for the Same Product—Case History: Pretzels
12 “Closing in on the Container”
13 Action and Reality: Using Video for the Package Experience
Part III Health and Hope
14 Do Labels Make a Difference?
15 Understanding Nutritional Labeling: Case Study—Ice Cream
16 Healthy Pasta: Nutritional Labeling and the Role of Messages
Part IV Emotions and Experience
17 Emotions and Package Design—Coffee
18 Beyond the Stimulus to the “Experience”
19 Homo economicus Rears Its Head
20 Which Should I Choose?—Packages on the Shelf
Part V Temptations of Technology
21 Response Time
22 Combining Eye Tracking with Experimental Design
23 Taking Stock and Summing Up

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