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Flavor, Fragance and Odor Analysis edited by Ray Marsili

Flavor, Fragance and Odor Analysis

Table of Contents
1. Solvent Extraction and Distillation Techniques
Thomas Parliment
2. Analysis of Food Volatiles Using Headspace-Gas Chromatographic Techniques
Thomas P. Wampler
3. The Analysis of Food Volatiles Using Direct Thermal Desorption
Casey C. Grimm, Steven W. Lloyd, James A. Miller, and Arthur M. Spanier
4. Solid-Phase Microextraction for the Analysis of Aromas and Flavors
Alan D. Harmon
5. The Advantages of GC-TOFMS for Flavor and Fragrance Analysis
John F. Holland and Ben D. Gardner
6. Modern Methods for Isolating and Quantifying Volatile Flavor and Fragrance Compounds
Peter Werkhoff, Stefan Brennecke, Wilfried Bretschneider, and Heinz-Ju¨rgen Bertram
7. SPME Comparison Studies and What They Reveal
Ray Marsili
8. Analysis of Volatile Compounds in the Headspace of Rice Using SPME/GC/MS
Casey C. Grimm, Elaine T. Champagne, and Ken’ichi Ohtsubo
9. Headspace Techniques for the Reconstitution of Flower Scents and Identification of New Aroma Chemicals
Thomas McGee and Kenneth L. Purzycki
10. SPME Applications in Consumer Products
Richard Payne, Allen E. Puchalski, and John Labows
11. Gas Chromatography–Olfactometry in Food Aroma Analysis
Imre Blank
12. Quantitative Use of Gas Chromatography–Olfactometry: The GC-‘‘SNIF’’ Method
Alain Chaintreau
13. Combining Mass Spectrometry and Multivariate Analysis to Make a Reliable and Versatile Electronic Nose
Ray Marsili
14. Character Impact Compounds: Flavors and Off-Flavors in Foods
Robert J. McGorrin

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