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Thermodynamics Demystified by Merle C. Potter, Ph.D.

Thermodynamics Demystified

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Basic Principles
Chapter 2 Properties of Pure Substances
Chapter 3 Work and Heat
Chapter 4 The First Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 6 Power and Refrigeration Vapor Cycles
Chapter 7 Power and Refrigeration Gas Cycles
Chapter 8 Psychrometrics
Chapter 9 Combustion
Appendix A Conversion of Units
Appendix B Material Properties
Appendix C Steam Tables
Appendix D R134a
Appendix E Ideal-Gas Tables
Appendix F Psychrometric Chart
Appendix G Compressibility Chart
Final Exams
Solutions to Quizzes and Final Exams

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