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Linear Algebra for Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling

Linear Algebra for Dummies

Contents at a Glance
Part I: Lining Up the Basics of Linear Algebra
Chapter 1: Putting a Name to Linear Algebra
Chapter 2: The Value of Involving Vectors
Chapter 3: Mastering Matrices and Matrix Algebra
Chapter 4: Getting Systematic with Systems of Equations
Part II: Relating Vectors and Linear Transformations
Chapter 5: Lining Up Linear Combinations
Chapter 6: Investigating the Matrix Equation Ax = b
Chapter 7: Homing In on Homogeneous Systems and Linear Independence
Chapter 8: Making Changes with Linear Transformations
Part III: Evaluating Determinants
Chapter 9: Keeping Things in Order with Permutations
Chapter 10: Evaluating Determinants
Chapter 11: Personalizing the Properties of Determinants
Chapter 12: Taking Advantage of Cramer’s Rule
Part IV: Involving Vector Spaces
Chapter 13: Involving Vector Spaces
Chapter 14: Seeking Out Subspaces of Vector Spaces
Chapter 15: Scoring Big with Vector Space Bases
Chapter 16: Eyeing Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 17: Ten Real-World Applications Using Matrices
Chapter 18: Ten (Or So) Linear Algebra Processes You Can Do on Your Calculator
Chapter 19: Ten Mathematical Meanings of Greek Letters

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