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Physics for Engineering and Science Theory and Problems
by Michael Browne, Ph. D.

Table of Contents
1. Review of Mathematics
2. Measurement and Physics
3. Motion in One Dimension
4. Motion in a Plane
5. Newton´s Laws of Motion
6. Circular Motion
7. Work and Energy
8. Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
9. Linear Momentum and Collisions
10. Rotational Motion
11. Angular Momentum
12. Statics and Elasticity
13. Oscilltions
14. Gravity
15. Fluids
16. Waves and Sounds
17. Temperature, Heat and Heat Transfer
18. The Kinetic Theory of Gases
19. The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
20. Electric Fields
21. Gauss´Law
22. Electric Potential
23. Capacitance
24. Current and Resistance
25. Direct Current Circuits
26. Magnetic Fields
27. Sources of The Magnetic Field
28. Electromagnetic Induction and Inductance
29. Alternating Current Circuits
30. Electromagnetic Waves
31. Mirrors and Lenses
32. Interference
33. Diffraction
34. Special Relativity
35. Atoms and Photons
36. Quantum Mechanics
37. Nuclear Physics

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