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Biofuels edited by Wim Soetaert and Erick J. Vandamme


Table of Contents
1 Biofuels in Perspective
2 Sustainable Production of Cellulosic Feedstock for Biorefineries in the USA
3 Bio-Ethanol Development in the USA
4 Bio-Ethanol Development(s) in Brazil
5 Process Technologies for Biodiesel Production
6 Bio-based Fischer–Tropsch Diesel Production Technologies
7 Plant Oil Biofuel: Rationale, Production and Application
8 Enzymatic Production of Biodiesel
9 Production of Biodiesel from Waste Lipids

10 Biomass Digestion to Methane in Agriculture: A Successful Pathway for the Energy Production and Waste Treatment Worldwide
11 Biological Hydrogen Production by Anaerobic Microorganisms
12 Improving Sustainability of the Corn–Ethanol Industry

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