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Logistics Systems Design and Optimization
by André Langevin and Diane Riopel

Logistics Systems

Table of Contents
1. The Network of Logistics Decisions
2. Facility Location in Supply Chain Design
3. Distribution Centres in Supply Chain Operations
4. Operational Research Methods for Efficient Warehosting
5. Models and Methods for Facilities Layout Design from and Applicability to Real-Word Perspective
6. The Design, Plannig and Optimization of Reverse Logistics Networks
7. Models and Methods for Operations in Port Container Terminals
8. Strategic Network Design for Motor Carriers
9. New Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem
10. Routing Propane Deliveries
11. Synchronized Production-Distribution Planning in the Pulp and Paper Industry
12. Production Planning Optimization Modeling in Demand and Suply Chains of High-Value Consumer Products

1 comentario:

Salva dijo...

He encontrado este fantástico blog de consulta y me he quedado profundamente sobrecogido por la cantidad de recursos.
Me encantan todos los relacionados con el papel, como no, me gustaria que estuvieran en español, pero al menos están en inglés.

Alguno falla como los Hand book of pulp an paper II y III. Espero que se solucionen los errores y FELICIDADES

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