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Handbook of Pulp edited by Herbert Sixta

Handbook of Pulp

Tables of Contents
Volume 1
Part I Chemical Pulping
1 Introduction
Herbert Sixta
2 Raw Material for Pulp
Gerald Koch
3 Wood Yard Operations
Jörg B. Ressel
4 Chemical Pulping Processes
Herbert Sixta, Antje Potthast, Andreas W. Krotschek
5 Pulp Washing
Andreas W. Krotscheck
6 Pulp Screening, Cleaning, and Fractionation
Andreas W. Krotscheck
Volume 2
7 Pulp Bleaching
Herbert Sixta, Hans-Ullrich Süss, Antje Potthast, Manfred Schwanninger, and Andreas W. Krotscheck
8 Pulp Purification
Herbert Sixta
9 Recovery
Andreas W. Krotscheck and Herbert Sixta
10 Environmental Aspects of Pulp Production
Hans-Ulrich Süss
11 Pulp Properties and Applications
Herbert Sixta
Part II Mechanical Pulping
Jürgen Blechschmidt, Sabine Heinemann, and Hans-Ulrich Süss
1 Introduction
Jürgen Blechschmidt and Sabine Heinemann
2 A Short History of Mechanical Pulping
Jürgen Blechschmidt and Sabine Heinemann
3 Raw Materials for Mechanical Pulp
Jürgen Blechschmidt and Sabine Heinemann
4 Mechanical Pulping Processes
Jürgen Blechschmidt and Sabine Heinemann
5 Processing of Mechanical Pulp and Reject Handling: Screening and Cleaning
Jürgen Blechschmidt and Sabine Heinemann
6 Bleaching of Mechanical Pulp
Hans-Ulrich Süss
7 Latency and Properties of Mechanical Pulp
Jürgen Blechschmidt and Sabine Heinemann
Part III Recovered Paper and Recycled Fibers
Hans-Joachim Putz
1 Introduction
2 Relevance of Recycled Fibers as Paper Raw Material
3 Recovered Paper Grades
4 Basic Statistics
5 Collection of Recovered Paper
6 Sources of Recovered Paper
7 Sorting, Handling, and Storage of Recovered Paper
8 Legislation for the Use of Recycled Fibers
Appendix: European List of Standard Grades of Recovered Paper and Board (February, 1999)
Part IV Analytical Characterization of Pulps
Erich Gruber
1 Fundamentals of Quality Control Procedures
2 Determination of Low Molecular-Weight Components
3 Macromolecular Composition
4 Characterization of Supermolecular Structures
5 Fiber Properties
6 Papermaking Properties of Pulps

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