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Philosophies of the Sciences A Guide by Fritz Allhoff

Philosophies of the Sciences

Table of Contents
Unit 1: Introduction
1 Philosophies of the Sciences
Fritz Allhoff
2 Philosophy of Science
Richard DeWitt
Unit 2: Philosophy of the Exact Sciences
3 Philosophy of Logic
Otávio Bueno
4 Philosophy of Mathematics
Otávio Bueno
5 Philosophy of Probability
Aidan Lyon
Unit 3: Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
6 Philosophy of Physics
Richard DeWitt
7 Philosophy of Chemistry
Joachim Schummer
8 Philosophy of Biology
Matthew H. Haber, Andrew Hamilton, Samir Okasha, and Jay Odenbaugh
9 Philosophy of Earth Science
Maarten G. Kleinhans, Chris J.J. Buskes, and Henk W. de Regt
Unit 4: Philosophy of the Behavioral and Social Sciences
10 Philosophy of the Cognitive Sciences
William Bechtel and Mitchell Herschbach
11 Philosophy of Psychology
Edouard Machery
12 Philosophy of Sociology
Daniel Little
13 Philosophy of Economics
Daniel M. Hausman

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