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Structure of Dairy Products by Dr Adnan Tamime

Structure of Dairy Products

A pedido de Murcichica.

Table of Contents
1 Overview of Microscopical Approaches
D.F. Lewis
2 Instrumental Techniques for Sample Preparation
D.G. Pechak and A. K. Smith
3 Microstructure of Milk Components
A.K. Smith and B.E. Campbell
4 Microstructure of Dairy Fat Products
S. Martini and A.G. Marangoni
5 Microstructure of Concentrated and Dried Milk Products
A.Y. Tamine, R.K. Robinson and M. Michel
6 Structure of Fermented Milks
A.Y. Tamine, A. Hassan, E. Farnworth and T. Toba
7 Microstructure of Natural Cheeses
D.W. Everett
8 Processed Cheese and Cheese Analogues
B.B. Mulsow, D. Jaros and H. Rohm
9 Microstructure of Frozen and Dairy-Based Confectionery Products
D.F. Lewis
10 The Microscope in Troubleshooting
D.F. Lewis

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