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Emotional Intelligence by Steven J. Stein, PhD

Emotional Intelligence

Contents at a Glance
Part I: There’s a New Kind of Intelligence in Town
Chapter 1: Feeling Smart
Chapter 2: Assessing Your Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 3: Finding Happiness
Part II: The Essentials of Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 4: Investigating the Science Behind Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 5: Becoming More Aware of Your Emotions
Chapter 6: Managing Your Emotions
Chapter 7: Understanding Empathy
Chapter 8: Managing Other People’s Emotions
Part III: Taking Emotional Intelligence to Work
Chapter 9: Dealing with Dif cult Workplace Situations
Chapter 10: Succeeding Through Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 11: Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Leader
Chapter 12: Creating an Emotionally Intelligent Workplace
Chapter 13: Getting Through College with Emotional Intelligence
Part IV: Using Emotional Intelligence at Home
Chapter 14: Creating Emotionally Intelligent Relationships
Chapter 15: Parenting with Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 16: Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child
Part V: The Par t of Tens
Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Help Dif cult People with Their Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Make the World a More Emotionally Intelligent Place
Appendix: Resources for Emotional and Social Intelligence

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