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Vitamin E Food Chemistry, Composition, and Analysis

Vitamin E

Knowledge about vitamin E has expanded so rapidly over the past few decades that it is difficult for anyone to keep up with even a few of the general areas pertinent to the vitamin—chemistry, nutrition, metabolism, genetics, functional impact on disease onset and severity, pharmacology, regulations, food technology, and food composition and analytical challenges, to name a few. Our careers in food science and technology are focused on food composition and analysis. We have been privileged to play a role in improving the availability of food composition information on vitamin E and, in some ways, the analytical capability for its assay.

Interaction with the food industry, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Data Laboratory, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and various international organizations concerned with food composition has opened many avenues for research, none of which has been more satisfying or challenging than work on vitamin E...

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