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Handbook of Food Engineering Practice Enrique Rotstein - R. Paul Singh - Kenneth Valentas

Handbook of Food Engineering Practice

The food engineering discipline has been gaining increasing recognition in the food industry over the last three decades. Although food engineers formally graduated as such are relatively few, food engineering practitioners are an essential part of the food industry’s workforce.

The significant contribution of food engineers to the industry is documented in the constant stream of new food products and their manufacturing processes, the capital projects to implement these processes, and the growing number of patents and publications that span this emerging profession.

While a number of important food engineering books have been published over the years, the Handbook of Food Engineering Practice will stand alone for its emphasis on practical professional application. This handbook is written for the food engineer and food manufacturer.

The very fact that this is a book for industrial application will make it a useful source for academic teaching and research.

A major segment of this handbook is devoted to some of the most common unit operations employed in the food industry. Each chapter is intended to provide terse, to-the-point descriptions of fundamentals, applications, example calculations, and, when appropriate, a review of economics.

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