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Batch Reactors and Batch Distillation Dynamic Modelling by John E. Edwards

Batch processes are used extensively in the manufacture of relatively small volume products with relatively high value. These processes are frequently carried out in production facilities intended for multi-purpose use.

The achievement of stable and reproducible operating conditions is important in order to achieve the required product purity, yield and cycle times to satisfy the commercial requirements and relevant regulatory authorities.

Batch processes are inherently transient in nature and the capability to demonstrate dynamically the adequacy of the equipment design and performance provides a powerful design tool. Dynamic modelling can prevent costly mistakes prior to start up. Once a process model signature has been validated against real plant performance the dynamic model can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify operating problems.

This paper reviews the basic techniques for dynamic modelling the process and control of batch reactors and batch distillation systems using the Chemstations integrated range of software which is supported by an extensive component physical property database and thermodynamic options.

The power of this database is demonstrated below where the relative merits of the heat transfer fluids under consideration can be rapid ly presented without wasting design time.
These plots alert the designer to the benefits and disadvantages of the respective fluids which otherwise could be missed. For example note the difference in liquid specific heats between water and thermal fluids being a ratio factor varying from 2.8 to 1.8, quite significant...

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