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Plastics Materials and Processing
by A. Brent Strong


Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction to Plastics
Chapter 2
Polymeric Materials (Molecular Viewpoint)
Chapter 3
Microstructures in Polymers
Chapter 4
Mechanical Properties (Macro Viewpoint)
Chapter 5
Chemical and Physical Properties (Macro Viewpoint)
Chapter 6
Designing with Plastics
Chapter 7
Thermoplastics Materials (Commodity Plastics)
Chapter 8
Thermoplastics Materials (Engineering Plastics)
Chapter 9
Thermoset Materials
Chapter 10
Elastomeric (Rubber) Materials
Chaper 11
Chapter 12
Injection Molding
Chapter 13
Blow Molding
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Rotational Molding
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Compresion Molding, Transfer Molding and Related Processes
Chapter 19
Polymeric Composite Materials and Processes
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Finishing, Adhesion and Assembly
Chapter 22
Operations and Management
Chapter 23
Environmental Aspects of Plastics
Appendix 1: Typical Properties of Some Engeneering Materials
Appendix 2: Cost Estimating Form for Injection Molding
Appendix 3: Plastics Design/Selection Matrix
Appendix 4: Impact Toughness Guide
Appendix 5: Plastics Identification Chart
Appendix 6: Process Procedures - Startup, Steady-state and Shutdown
Appendix 7: Plastic Machining Guidlines
Appendix 8: Sample MSDS Form

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