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Chilled Foods A comprehensive guide
edited by Martyn Brown

Chilled Foods

Table of Contents
1 Introduction to chilled foods
Part I Raw materials and products
2 Raw material selection: fruit, vegetables and cereals
3 Raw material selection: dairy ingredients
4 Raw material selection: meat and poultry
5 Raw material selection: fish
6 Non-microbiological factors affecting quality and safety
7 Chilled foods packaging: an introduction
8 Modified atmosphere and active packaging of chilled foods
Part II Technologies and processes in the supply chain
9 Microbiological hazards and safe design
10 Non-microbiological hazards and safe process design
11 The hygienic design of chilled food plants and equipment
12 Cleaning and disinfection of chilled food plants and equipment
13 Operation of plants manufacturing chilled foods
14 Refrigeration, storage and transport of chilled foods
15 Temperature monitoring and measurement
Part III Microbiological hazards
16 Chilled foods microbiology
17 Predicting the behaviour of micro-organisms in chilled foods
18 Conventional and rapid analytical microbiology
Part IV Safety and quality management
19 Shelf-life of chilled foods
20 Sensory quality and consumer acceptability
21 Management of product quality and safety
22 Legislation and criteria

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