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The Archimedes Codex by Reviel Netz and William Noel

The Archimedes Codex

How a Medieval Prayer Book Is Revealing the True Genius of Antiquity’s Greatest Scientist
1 Archimedes in America
2 Archimedes in Syracuse
3 The Great Race, Part 1: Before the Palimpsest
4 Visual Science
5 The Great Race, Part II:The History of the Palimpsest
6 Archimedes’ Method, 1999, or The Making of Science
7 The Critical Path
8 Archimedes’ Method, 2001, or Infinity Unveiled
9 The Digital Palimpsest
10 The Stomachion, 2003, or Archimedes at Play
11 New Light on an Old Subject
Epilogue:“The Vast Book of the Universe”

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