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The Chemical History of Candle by Michel Faraday, D.C.L., F.R.S.

The Chemical History of Candle

Table of Contents
Lecture I
A Candle: The flame: Its Sources, Structure, Mobility and Brightness
Lecture II
Brightness of the flame. Air Necessary for Combustion. Production of Water.
Lecture III
Products: Water from the Combustion. Nature of Water. A compound.Hidrogen.
Lecture IV
Hidrogen in the Candle. Burns into Water. The other part of Water. Oxigen.
Lecture V
Oxigen present in the air. Nature of the atmosphere. Its properties. Other products from the Candle. Carbonic Acid. Its properties.
Lecture VI
Carbon or Charcoal. Coal gas. Respiration and its analogy to the burning of a Candle. Conclusion
Lecture on Platinum

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