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Modern Biotechnology Panacea or new Pandora’s box?
Johannes Tramper and Yang Zhu

Modern Biotechnology

Tables of Contents
Part One: Introduction - Modern Biotechnology: Panacea or new Pandora’s box?
1. Modern biotechnology: a blessing or a curse?
2. Modern biotechnology: food for discussion!
3. Genetically modified crops and the european union
Part Two: Our daily food and drink
4. Cheese: biotechnology through the ages
5. Biotechnology in the bakery: on the rise!
6. Wine: one of the oldest biotechnological products
7. Meat from the biotech vat
8. “Frankenfood”
Part Three: Health has limits
9. Antibiotics
10. Hormones: natural regulators
11. Gene therapy: a panacea for genetic abnormalities?
12. Xenotransplantation
13. The human genome project
14. Stem cell therapy: promising and controversial!
Part Four: Epilogue: Cassandra
15. Modern biotechnology: for better or for worse?

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