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Geometric and Engineering Drawing, 3ed. Kenneth Morling

Geometric and Engineering Drawing

Table of Contents
Part 1 Geometric Drawing
1 Scales
2 The Construction of Geometric Figures from Given Data
3 Isometric Projection
4 The Construction of Circles to Satisfy Given Conditions
5 Tangency
6 Oblique Projection
7 Enlarging and Reducing Plane Figures and Equivalent Areas
8 The Blending of Lines and Curves
9 Loci
10 Orthographic Projection (First Angle and Third Angle)
11 Conic Sections – the Ellipse, the Parabola, the Hyperbola
12 Intersection of Regular Solids
13 Further Orthographic Projection
14 Developments
15 Further Problems in Loci
16 Freehand Sketching
17 Some More Problems Solved by Drawing
Part 2 Engineering Drawing
18 Engineering Drawing
19 Postscript – Planning a Design
Appendix A Sizes of Isometric Precision Hexagon Nuts, Bolts and Washers
Appendix B Sizes of Slotted and Castle Nuts with Metric Thread
Appendix C Representation of Threaded Fasteners

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