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NF EN ISO 5167-2 Placas Orificio

NF EN ISO 5167-2

Table of Contents
1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Terms, definitions and symbols
4. Principles of the method of measurement and computation
5. Orifice plates
5.1 Description
5.2 Pressure tappings
5.3 Coefficients and corresponding uncertainties of orifice plates
5.4 Pressure loss, Δw
6. Installation requirements
6.1 General
6.2 Minimum upstream and downstream straight lengths for installation between various fittings and the orifice plate
6.3 Flow conditioners
6.4 Circularity and cylindricality of the pipe
6.5 Location of orifice plate and carrier rings
6.6 Method of fixing and gaskets
Annex A (informative) Tables of discharge coefficients and expansibility [expansion] factors
Annex B (informative) Flow conditioners

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