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Graphene Chemistry Synthesis and Manipulation

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This Perspective discusses how monolayer graphene is a two-dimensional material with fascinating electrical and optical properties that has brought great possibilities and challenges to chemists.

The possibilities include the many applications in which graphene could be exploited, and the challenges involve optimizing synthetic strategies and manipulating the structure and properties so that graphene can be used in those applications. Here, we cover a portion of the recent progress toward using chemical techniques to render graphene available for incorporation into electronic and optical devices. With top-down and bottom-up strategies, the geometry and thickness of graphene have been well-tuned.

The methods for producing structure-doped materials, such as nitrogen doping and h-BNC hybrid structures, are discussed along with the properties of those doped materials. Finally, covalent functionalization of graphene's surfaces and edges, such as hydrogenation and the diazonium and azide reactions, will be discussed as they have become powerful tools to modify the properties of graphene.

Fuente: AmerChemSoc

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