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Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering J. Kenneth Shultis - Richard E. Faw

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Table of Contents
1. Fundamental Concepts
2. Modern Physics Concepts
3. Atomic/Nuclear Models
4. Nuclear Energetics
5. Radioactivity
6. Binary Nuclear Reactions
7. Radiation Interactions with Matter
8. Detection and Measurement of Radiation
9. Radiation Doses and Hazard Assessment
10. Principles of Nuclear Reacto
11. Nuclear Power
12. Other Methods for Converting Nuclear Energy to Electricity
13. Nuclear Technology in Industry and Research
14. Medical Applications of Nuclear Technology
Appendic A: Fundamental Atomic Data
Appendix B: Atomic Mass Table
Appendix C: Cross Sections and Related Data
Appendix D: Decay Characteristics of Selected Radionuclides

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