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Batch Chemical Process Integration Analysis, Synthesis and Optimization
Thokozani Majozi

Batch Chemical Process Integration

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Batch Chemical Processes
2. Short-Term Scheduling
3. Process Intermediate Storage Operational Philosophy: The New Operational Philosophy
4. Wastewater Minimisation in Multiproduct Batch Plants: Single Contaminants
5. Storage Design for Maximum Wastewater Reuse in Batch Plants
6. Wastewater Minimisation in Multipurpose Batch Plants: Multiple Contaminants
7. Wastewater Minimisation Using Multiple Storage Vessels
8. Zero Effluent Methodologies
9. Wastewater Minimisation Using Inherent Storage
10. Heat Integration in Multipurpose Batch Plants: I. Direct Heat Integration
11. Heat Integration in Multipurpose Batch Plants: II. Indirect Heat Integration

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