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An Introduction to Chemistry Mark Bishop

An Introduction to Chemistry

Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to Chemistry
The structure of matter2. The Structure of Matter and the Chemical Elements
3. Chemical Compounds

4. An Introduction to Chemical Reactions
5. Acids, Bases, and Acid-Base Reactions
6. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
7. Energy and Chemical Reactions
8. Unit Conversions
9. Chemical Calculations and Chemical Formulas
Modern atomic theory10. Chemical Calculations and Chemical Equations
11. Modern Atomic Theory
12. Molecular Structure
13. Gases
14. Liquids: Condensation, Evaporation, and Dynamic Equilibrium
15. Solution Dynamics
16. The Process of Chemical Reactions
Periodic Table17. An Introduction to Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Synthetic Polymers
18. Nuclear Chemistry

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