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Statistics Success in 20 Minutes a Day by Linda J.Young

Statistics Success in 20 Minutes a Day

Statistics Success in 20 Minutes a Day helps both novices and knowledgeable-but-rusty students gain practical skills in statistics. Structured as a series of 20 lesson plans, the book covers all major topics in this field, such as calculating a standard score, finding the margin of errors, and making informed decisions about experiments. Hundreds of jargon-free exercises provide essential practice in solving statistics problems. Test-takers also benefit from sections on additional resources and tips for preparing for standardized tests.
Introduction How to Use This Book
Lesson 1
Populations, Samples, and Variables
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Describing and Displaying Categorical Data
Lesson 4
Dotplots and Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Lesson 5
Measures of Central Tendency for Numerical Data
Lesson 6
Measures of Dispersion for Numerical Data
Lesson 7
Histograms and Boxplots
Lesson 8
Describing and Displaying Bivariate Data
Lesson 9
Basic Ideas in Probability
Lesson 10
Discrete Probability Distributions
Lesson 11
Continuous Probability Distributions
Lesson 12
Sampling Distributions and the t-Distribution
Lesson 13
The Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem
Lesson 14
Sample Surveys
Lesson 15
Confidence Intervals for Proportions
Lesson 16
Hypothesis Testing for Proportions
Lesson 17
Confidence Intervals and Tests of Hypotheses for Means
Lesson 18
The Matched-Pairs Design and Comparing Two Treatment Means
Lesson 19
Confidence Intervals for Comparing Two Treatment or Population Means
Lesson 20
Analyzing Categorical Data
Answer Key
Appendix How to Prepare for a Test

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