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Maintenance Fundamentals Plant Engineering
R. Keith Mobley

Maintenance Fundamentals

Chapter 1 Impact of Maintenance
Chapter 2 Fundamental Requirements of Effective Preventive Maintenance
Chapter 3 Designing a Preventive Maintenance Program
Chapter 4 Planning and Scheduling
Chapter 5 Scheduled Preventive Maintenance
Chapter 6 Maintenance Engineering Roles and Responsibilities
Chapter 7 Shaft Alignment
Chapter 8 Rotor Balancing
Chapter 9 Bearings
Chapter 10 Couplings
Chapter 11 Gears and Gearboxes
Chapter 12 Compressors
Chapter 13 Control Valves
Chapter 14 Conveyors
Chapter 15 Fans, Blowers, and Fluidizers
Chapter 16 Dust Collectors
Chapter 17 Pumps
Chapter 18 Steam Traps
Chapter 19 Performance Measurement and Management

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