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VUOL - Virtual Unit Operations Laboratory by F. Wiesner PhD, PE and William Lan PhD
Stud: S. Vaidyanath, J. Williams, M. Hilliard

VUOL - Virtual Unit Operations Laboratory

In the typical chemical engineering curriculum, the Unit Operations Laboratory not only serves to reinforce the theoretical concepts covered at the junior level, but also to familiarize senior-level students with the safety and operational issues of chemical processes. Students conduct experiments on small-scale equipment that is equivalent to pilot-scale units in industrial development laboratories.

However, the chemical processing industries (CPI) appear to be shifting from pilot-scale experiments to greater dependency on computer tools (Chemical Engineering Advisory Board, Texas Tech University, 1998). Reasons for this include safety, costs, greater computing power, and human resource allocation. As a result many CPI firms employ computer-based simulations, thereby relegating the traditional pilot-scale operations to roles of lesser importance. This suggests a modernization of the typical unit operations pedagogy...

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