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Wine Chemistry & Biochemistry
M. Victoria Moreno-Arribas · M. Carmen Polo, Editors


Table of Contents

Part I Chemical and Biochemical Aspects ofWinemaking
1 Biochemistry of Alcoholic Fermentation
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced
3 Special Wines Production
3A Sparkling Wines and Yeast Autolysis
3B Biologically AgedWines
4 Enzymes in Winemaking
5 Use of Enological Additives for Colloid and Tartrate Salt Stabilization in White Wines and for Improvement of Sparkling Wine Foaming Properties
Part II Wine Chemical Compounds and Biochemical Processes
6 Nitrogen Compounds
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines
6B Peptides
6C Proteins
7 Carbohydrates
8 Volatile and Aroma Compounds
8A Wine Aroma Precursors
8B Polyfunctional Thiol Compounds
8C Volatile Compounds and Wine Aging
8D Yeasts andWine Flavour
8E Identification of Impact Odorants of Wines
8F Interactions Between Wine Matrix Macro-Components and Aroma Compounds
9 Phenolic Compounds
9A Anthocyanins and Anthocyanin-Derived Compounds
9B Flavanols, Flavonols and Dihydroflavonols
9C Non-flavonoid Phenolic Compounds
9D Influence of Phenolics on Wine Organoleptic Properties
9E Health-Promoting Effects ofWine Phenolics
Part III Spoilage ofWines
10 Aromatic Spoilage of Wines by Raw Materials and Enological Products
11 Wine Spoilage by Fungal Metabolites
Part IV Automatic Analysers and Data Processing
12 Automatic Analysers in Oenology
13 Statistical Techniques for the Interpretation of Analytical Data

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