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Cheese Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology – Third Edition


The art of cheesemaking has been augmented steadily by greater knowledge on the science of cheesemaking. This evolution has resulted from basic and applied research and from the increased need to understand and control the characteristics of milk, the microorganisms used in the manufacture and maturation of cheese, the manufacturing technologies, and the physical properties and flavour of cheese.

Traditional methods of cheese manufacture have been modified by the need for greater efficiencies in the manufacture and maturation of cheese and by changes in the marketing channels for cheese. Accommodating these changes while maintaining the characteristics of a given cheese variety has been accomplished by the application of scientific principles. The need for greater understanding of the characteristics of cheese has also been driven by the increased use of cheese as an ingredient in other foods. This has required specific control of selected properties of cheese to impart the desired properties to the food, and to retain characteristics of the cheese during various food processing technologies.

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