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Handbook of Water Analysis by Leo M. L. Nollet

Water Analysis

Table of Contents
1. Sampling Methods in Surface Waters
Munro Mortimer, Jochen F. Mu¨ ller, and Matthias Liess
2. Methods of Treatment of Data
Riccardo Leardi
3. Radioanalytical Methodology for Water Analysis
Jorge S. Alvarado
4. Bacteriological Analysis of Water
Paulinus Chigbu and Dmitri Sobolev
5. Marine Toxins Analysis
Luis M. Botana, Amparo Alfonso, M. Carmen Louzao, Mercedes R. Vieytes, and María R. Velasco
6. Halogens
Geza Nagy and Livia Nagy
7. Analysis of Sulfur Compounds in Water
Laura Coll and Leo M.L. Nollet
8. Phosphates
Philippe Monbet and Ian D. McKelvie
9. Cyanides
Meissam Noroozifar
10. Asbestos in Water
James S. Webber
11. Heavy Metals, Major Metals, Trace Elements
Jorge E. Marcovecchio, Sandra E. Botte´, and Rube´n H. Freije
12. Determination of Silicon and Silicates
Salah M. Sultan
13. Main Parameters and Assays Involved with Organic Pollution of Water
Claudia E. Domini, Lorena Vidal, and Antonio Canals
14. Determination of Organic Nitrogen and Urea
Stefano Cozzi and Michele Giani
15. Organic Acids
Sigrid Peldszus
16. Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Water
Tarekegn Berhanu and Jan A ° ke Jo¨nsson
17. Characterization of Freshwater Humic Matter
Juhani Peuravuori and Kalevi Pihlaja
18. Analysis of Pesticides in Water
Evaristo Ballesteros Tribaldo
19. Fungicide and Herbicide Residues in Water
Sara Bogialli and Antonio Di Corcia
20. Polychlorobiphenyls
Alessio Ceccarini and Stefania Giannarelli
21. Determination of PCDDs and PCDFs in Water
Luigi Turrio-Baldassarri, Anna L. Iamiceli, and Silvia Alivernini
22. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Chimezie Anyakora
23. Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Water
Iva´n P. Roma´n Falco´ and Marta Nogueroles Moya
24. Analysis of Surfactants in Samples from the Aquatic Environment
B. Thiele and Leo M.L. Nollet
25. Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water
Guang-Guo Ying
26. Residues of Plastics
Caroline Sablayrolles, Mireille Montre´jaud-Vignoles, Michel Treilhou, and Leo M.L. Nollet

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