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Microbiology Handbook - Meat Products edited by Rhea Fernandes

Meat Products

Table of Contents
1. Chilled and Frozen Raw Meat, Poultry and Their Products
2. Cooked Meats, Poultry and Their Products
3. Dried Meats, Poultry and Related Products
4. Cured Meats and Poultry, Including Cooked Cured Meats
5. Fermented Meats
6. Eggs
7. Haccp in Meat and Meat Product Manufacture
8. EC Food Hygiene Legislation
9. Pathogen Profiles

2 comentarios:

Alejandro dijo...

Quiero agradecer por este fantástico sitio. Es de gran ayuda y me parece que, a diferencia de la gran mayoria, aporta positivamente a nuestros dia a dia.


Manuel Alberto dijo...

Muchas gracias por tu comentario Alejandro. Aunque tardíamente leo tu mensaje, corresponde agradecer tu deferencia para con el blog. Saludos

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