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Biotechnology in Flavor Production by Daphna Havkin-Frenkel and Faith C. Belanger

Biotechnology in Flavor Production

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
The development of yeast strains as tools for adjusting the flavor of fermented beverages to market specifications
Jan H. Swiegers, Sofie M.G. Saerens and Isak S. Pretorius
Chapter 2
Biotechnology of flavor production in dairy products
Bart C. Weimer, Sweta Rajan and Balasubr amanian Ganesan
Chapter 3
Biotechnological production of vanillin
Daphna Havkin-Frenkel and Faith C. Belanger
Chapter 4
Plant cell culture as a source of valuable chemicals
Chee-Kok Chin
Chapter 5
Tomato aroma: Biochemistry and biotechnology
Rachel Davidovich-Rikanati, Yaniv Azulay, Yaron Sitrit, Yaakov Tadmor and Efraim Lewinsohn
Chapter 6
Flavor development in rice
Louis M.T. Bradbury, Robert J. Henry and Daniel L.E. Waters
Chaper 7
Breeding and biotechnology for flavor development in apple
Susan K. Brown
Chapter 8
Aroma as a factor in the breeding process of fresh herbs the case of basil
Nativ Dudai and Faith C. Belanger
Chapter 9
Increasing the methional content in potato through biotechnology
Rong Di
Chapter 10
Regulatory aspects of flavor development – traditional versus bioengineered
Sabine Teske and James C. Griffiths

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