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Fluid Dynamics of Packed Columns by Jerzy Mac´kowiak
translated by Claudia Hall with Anna Ługowska-Czok

Packed Columns

A pedido de Angel.

Tables of Contents
Part 1
Principles of the Fluid Dynamic Design of Packed Columns for Gas/Liquid Systems
1 Introduction
2 Two-Phase Flow and Operating Range
3 Pressure Drop of Dry Packed Columns
4 Pressure Drop of Irrigated Random and Structured Packings
5 Pressure Drop of Irrigated Random and Structured Packings Based on the Law of Resistance for Two-Phase Flow
6 Fluid Dynamics of Packed Columns for Gas/Liquid Systems – Summary of Results
Part 2
Principles of the Fluid Dynamic Design of Packed Columns for Liquid/Liquid Systems
7 Basic Principles of Packed Column Design for Liquid/Liquid Systems

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