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Fluid Mechanics 4th ed by Frank M. White

Fluid Mechanics

Tables of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Pressure Distribution in a Fluid
Chapter 3
Integral Relations for a Control Volume
Chapter 4
Differential Relations for a Fluid Particle
Chapter 5
Dimensional Analysis and Similarity
Chapter 6
Viscous Flow in Ducts
Chapter 7
Flow Past Immersed Bodies
Chapter 8
Potential Flow and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Chapter 9
Compressible Flow
Chapter 10
Open-Channel Flow
Chapter 11
Appendix A
Physical Properties of Fluids
Appendix B
Compressible-Flow Tables
Appendix C
Conversion Factors
Appendix D
Equations of Motion in Cylindrical Coordinates
Appendix E
Introduction to EES
Answers to Selected Problems

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