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ISO 14001 Environmental Certification, Step by Step
by A.J. Edwards

Environmental Certification, Step by Step

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to environmental management
2. The global perspective
3. Brief history of environmental standards
4. Introduction to ISO 14001
5. Planning the project
6. Policy and planning
7. Implementation and operation
8. Checking, corrective action and management review
9. The Environmental Management Manual (Step 7)
10. The launch (Step 8)
11. Internal environmental auditing (Step 9)
12. Assessment (Step 10)
13. EMAS
14. Final thoughts
Appendix A Briefing notes for toolbox talks
Appendix B Aspects checklist
Appendix C Regulations checklist
Appendix D Useful information
Appendix E UKAS accredited environmental certification bodies
Appendix F Glossary
Registers of Environmental Aspects and Environmental Legislation
Operating Procedures
Environmental Management Manual

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