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Solving Problems in Food Engineering by Stavros Yanniotis, Ph.D.

Solving Problems in Food Engineering

Table of Contents
1. Conversion of Units
2. Use of Steam Tables
3. Mass Balance
4. Energy Balance
5. Fluid Flow
6. Pumps
7. Heat Transfer By Conduction
8. Heat Transfer By Convection
9. Heat Transfer By Radiation
10. Unsteady State Heat Transfer
11. Mass Transfer By Diffusion
12. Mass Transfer By Convection
13. Unsteady State Mass Transfer
14. Pasteurization and Sterilization
15. Cooling and Freezing
16. Evaporation
17. Psychrometrics
18. Drying
Appendix: Answers to Review Questions
Moody diagram
Gurney-Lurie charts
Heisler charts
Pressure-Enthalpy chart for HFC 134a
Pressure-Enthalpy chart for HFC 404a
Psychrometric chart
Bessel functions
Roots of d tand=Bi
Roots of dJ1(d)-Bi Jo(d)=0
Roots of d cotd=1-Bi
Error function

4 comentarios:

evren6ok dijo...

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Best wishes,

Manuel Alberto dijo...


Alina dijo...

How can i download this book?

Anónimo dijo...

El CD, es el que me gustaria encontrar.

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