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Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis A Practical Handbook
by N.T. Faithfull

Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Experimental Planning
Chapter 2 Sample Preparation
Chapter 3 Weighing and Dispensing
Chapter 4 Acid-digestion, Ashing and Extraction Procedures
Chapter 5 Analysis of Soil and Compost
Chapter 6 The Analysis of Fertilizers
Chapter 7 The Analysis of Animal Feed and Plant Materials
Chapter 8 The Analysis of Silage
Chapter 9 Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Chapter 10 Methods in Equine Nutrition
Chapter 11 Methods for Organic Farmers and Growers
Chapter 12 Quality Assurance and Control
Appendix 1: Equipment Suppliers
Appendix 2: Soil Index Table
Appendix 3: Lime Application Rates for Arable Land
Appendix 4: Lime Application Rates for Grassland
Appendix 5: Nitrate and Nitrite in Soil, Plant and Fertilizer Extracts
Appendix 6: Phosphate in Soil, Plant and Fertilizer Extracts
Appendix 7: Analytical Methods Used by ADAS for the Analysis of Organic Manures
Appendix 8: Laboratory Safety
Appendix 9: Chemical Composition Data Sources for Plants, Feeds, Blood, Urine and Soils
Appendix 10: Atomic Weights, Units and Conversion Tables

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