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Engineering Chemistry by Raghupati Mukhopadhyay and Sriparna Datta

Engineering Chemistry

Table of Contents
1 Atoms and Molecules
2 Valency and Chemical Bonding
3 Nuclear Chemistry
4 Thermodynamics
5 Reaction Dynamics/Chemical Kinetics
6 Catalyst
7 Mechanism of Organic Reactions
8 Ionic Equilibrium
9 Electrochemistry
10 Electrochemical Cells
11 Phase Rule
12 Colloids
13 Transition Metal Chemistry
14 Metallurgy
15 Adhesives
16 Explosives en Propellants
17 Water Treatment
18 Fuels and Combustion
19 Silicate Technology
20 Polymers
21 Paints
22 Solid State Chemistry
23 Chromatography
24 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
25 Photochemistry
26 Role of Metals in Biology
27 Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimisation

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darkluciano1987 dijo...

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