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CubeSat Project Access Space

The CubeSat Project was developed by California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and Stanford University's Space Systems Development Lab. The CubeSat program creates launch opportunities for universities previously unable to access space. With over 60 universities and high school participating in the CubeSat program, the educational benefits are tremendous. Students, through hands on work, will develop the necessary skills and experience needed to succeed in the aerospace industry. The CubeSat program also benefits private firms and government by providing a low-cost way of flying payloads in space, all while creating important educational opportunities for future leaders of industry. The CubeSat program strives to provide practical, reliable, and cost-effective launch opportunities for small satellites and their payloads. To do this, we provide the community with:
A standard physical layout and design guidelines.
A standard, flight proven deployment system (P-POD).
Coordination of required documents and export licenses.
Integration and acceptance testing facilities with formalized schedules.
Shipment of flight hardware to the launch site and integration to LV.
Confirmation of successful deployment and telemetry information.
CubeSat Project - Access Space - Avibert

The CubeSat Project was developed by California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and Stanford University's Space Systems Development Lab. The CubeSat program creates launch opportunities for universities previously unable to access space. With over 60 universities and high school participating in the CubeSat program, the educational benefits are tremendous.

Students, through hands on work, will develop the necessary skills and experience needed to succeed in the aerospace industry. The CubeSat program also benefits private firms and government by providing a low-cost way of flying payloads in space, all while creating important educational opportunities for future leaders of industry. The CubeSat program strives to provide practical, reliable, and cost-effective launch opportunities for small satellites and their payloads. To do this, we provide the community with:
  • A standard physical layout and design guidelines.
  • A standard, flight proven deployment system (P-POD).
  • Coordination of required documents and export licenses.
  • Integration and acceptance testing facilities with formalized schedules.
  • Shipment of flight hardware to the launch site and integration to LV.
  • Confirmation of successful deployment and telemetry information.
CubeSat is an international collaboration led by Cal Poly of over 40 universities, high schools, and private firms developing 10-centimeter cubic 'picosatellites' containing scientific, private and government payloads. Private support helps CubeSat:
  • Develop opportunities for multidisciplinary teams of students worldwide to design, build and launch satellites;
  • Benefit private firms and government by providing a low-cost way of flying payloads in space;
  • Provide important hands-on educational experiences for future leaders of industry;
  • Ensure that California maintains its prominence in the global space enterprise community.

Fuente: Kowch737

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