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Handbookd of Enology Vol 2 by Gayon, Dubourdieu, Don`eche, Lonvaud

Handbookd of Enology Vol 2

Table of Contents
Part One The Chemistry of Wine
1 Organic Acids in Wine
2 Alcohols and Other Volatile Compounds
3 Carbohydrates
4 Dry Extract and Minerals
5 Nitrogen Compounds
6 Phenolic Compounds
7 Varietal Aroma
Part Two Stabilization and Treatments of Wine
8 Chemical Nature, Origins and Consequences of the Main Organoleptic Defects
9 The Concept of Clarity and Colloidal Phenomena
10 Clarification and Stabilization Treatments: Fining Wine
11 Clarifying Wine by Filtration and Centrifugation
12 Stabilizing Wine by Physical and Physico-chemical Processes
13 Aging Red Wines in Vat and Barrel: Phenomena Occurring During Aging

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