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Handbook of Advanced Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment
by K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung and Nazih Shammas

Hazard Wastes Treatment

Table of Contents
1. Waste Minimization and Cleaner Production
Nazih K. Shammas and Lawrence K. Wang
2. Waste Treatment in the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Industry
Gupta Sudhir Kumar, Debolina Basu, Yung-Tse Hung, and Lawrence K. Wang
3. Treatment of Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Wastes
Nazih K. Shammas and Lawrence K. Wang
4. Management, Minimization, and Recycling of Metal Casting Wastes
An Deng, Yung-Tse Hung, and Lawrence K. Wang
5. Waste Treatment in the Aluminum Forming Industry
Lawrence K. Wang and Nazih K. Shammas
6. Treatment of Nickel-Chromium Plating Wastes
Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, Donald B. Aulenbach, and William A. Selke
7. Waste Treatment and Management in the Coil Coating Industry
Lawrence K. Wang and Nazih K. Shammas
8. Waste Treatment in the Porcelain Enameling Industry
Lawrence K. Wang and Nazih K. Shammas
9. Treatment and Management of Metal Finishing Industry Wastes
Nazih K. Shammas and Lawrence K. Wang
10. A Holistic Approach to Phytofi ltration of Heavy Metals: Recent Advances in Rhizofi ltration, Constructed Wetlands, Lagoons, and Bioadsorbent-Based Systems
Gloria Sánchez-Galván and Eugenia J. Olguín
11. Effects of Metals on Microorganisms in the Environment
Craig R. Worden, Gregory T. Kleinheinz, and Todd R. Sandrin
12. Legislation and Regulations for Hazardous Wastes
Nazih K. Shammas
13. Characteristics of Hazardous Industrial Wastes
Nazih K. Shammas
14. Soil Remediation
Ioannis Paspaliaris, Nymphodora Papassiopi, Anthimos Xenidis, and Yung-Tse Hung
15. Leachate Treatment Using Bioremediation
Azni Idris, Katayon Saed, and Yung-Tse Hung
16. Remediation of Sites Contaminated by Hazardous Wastes
Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, Ping Wang, and Robert LaFleur
17. Enzymatic Removal of Aqueous Pentachlorophenol
Khim Hoong Chu, Eui Yong Kim, and Yung-Tse Hung
18. Remediation of Sites Contaminated by Underground Storage Tank Releases
Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, Ping Wang, and Nicholas L. Clesceri
19. Biological Treatment Processes for Urea and Formaldehyde Containing Wastewater
José Luis Campos Gómez, Anuska Mosquera Corral, Ramón Méndez Pampín, and Yung-Tse Hung
20. Hazardous Waste Deep-Well Injection
Nazih K. Shammas and Lawrence K. Wang
21. Waste Management in the Pulp and Paper Industry
Nazih K. Shammas
22. Waste Treatment in the Inorganic Chemical Industry
O. Sarafadeen Amuda, A. Olanrewaju Alade, Yung-Tse Hung, and Lawrence K. Wang
23. Incineration and Combustion of Hazardous Wastes
Nazih K. Shammas and Lawrence K. Wang
24. Remediation from MTBE and Other Fuel Oxygenates
Nazih K. Shammas
25. Evapotranspiration Landfi ll Cover
Nazih K. Shammas
26. Hazardous Waste Landfi ll
Nazih K. Shammas and Lawrence K. Wang
27. Kinetics and Case Histories of Activated Sludge Secondary Flotation Systems
Lawrence K. Wang, Daniel Guss, and Milos Krofta
28. Management and Treatment of Acid Pickling Wastes Containing Heavy Metals
Lawrence K. Wang, Veysel Eroglu, and Ferruh Erturk
29. Recycling and Disposal of Hazardous Solid Wastes Containing Heavy Metals and Other Toxic Substances
Lawrence K. Wang
30. Food Industry Wastewater Treatment
K.G. Nadeeshani Nanayakkara, Yuting Wei, Yu-Ming Zheng, and Jiaping Paul Chen
31. Radon Mitigation in Buildings
Nazih K. Shammas and Lawrence K. Wang
32. Treatment of Battery Manufacturing Wastes
Joseph F. Hawumba, Yung-Tse Hung, and Lawrence K. Wang

1 comentario:

Modern Asia Environmental Holdings Pte Ltd dijo...

MAEH specialises in toxic industry waste management and dispoal of toxic industrial waste. We are the first waste management company in the region to receive the ISO 14001 Certification in 1999.Disposal of toxic industrial waste

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