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Engineering with Mathcad by Brent Maxfield

Engineering with Mathcad

Table of Contents
Part I Building your Mathcad Toolbox
1 Variables
2 Creating and editing Mathcad expressions
3 Simple functions
4 Units!
5 Mathcad settings
6 Customizing Mathcad
7 Templates
8 Useful information—Part I
Part II Hand Tools for your Mathcad Toolbox
9 Arrays, vectors, and matrices
10 Selected Mathcad functions
11 Plotting
12 Simple logic programming
13 Useful information—Part II
Part III Power Tools for your Mathcad Toolbox
14 Introduction to symbolic calculations
15 Solving engineering equations
16 Advanced programming
17 Useful information—Part III
Part IV Creating and Organizing your Engineering Calculations with Mathcad
18 Putting it all together
19 Assembling calculations from standard calculation worksheets
20 Importing files from other programs into Mathcad
21 Communicating with other programs using components
22 Microsoft Excel component
23 Inputs and outputs
24 Hyperlinks and Table of Contents
25 Conclusion

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