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Theory and Problems of Thermodynamics for Engineers by Merle C. Potter, Ph.D. and Craig W. Somerton, Ph.D.

Table of Contents
1 Concepts, Definitions and Basic Principles
2 Properties of pure substances
3 Work and heat
4 The first law of thermodynamics
5 The second law of thermodynamics
6 Entropy
7 Reversible work, irreversibility and availability
8 Power and refrigeration vapor cycles
9 Power and refrigeration gas cycles
10 Thermodynamic relations
11 Mixtures and solutions
12 Combustion
Appendix A: Conversions of units
Appendix B: Material properties
Appendix C: Thermodynamic properties of water (steam tables)
Appendix D: Thermodynamic properties of freon 12
Appendix E: Thermodynamic properties of ammonia
Appendix F: Ideal gas tables
Appendix G: Psychrometric charts
Appendix H: Compressibility chart
Appendix I: Enthalpy departure charts
Appendix J: Entropy departure charts
Appendix K: Sample screens from the companion interactive outline

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