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The Aqueous Chemistry of the Elements by George K. Schweitzer and Lester L. Pesterfield

The Aqueous Chemistry of the Elements

Table of Contents
1. E–pH Diagrams
2. The Construction of E–pH Diagrams
3. Reactions and Applications
4. Precipitation and Complexation
5. The Lithium Group
6. The Beryllium Group
7. The Boron Group
8. The Carbon Group
9. The Nitrogen Group
10. The Oxygen Group
11. The Fluorine Group
12. The Scandium Group
13. The Ti Group and the 5B, 6B, 7B and 8B Heavy Elements
14. The V–Cr–Mn Group
15. The Fe–Co–Ni Group
16. The Cu Group
17. The Zn Group
18. The Actinoid Metals

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