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Strategic Supply Management Prof. P. Cousins, Prof. R. Lamming, Dr B. Lawson, Dr B. Squire

Strategic Supply Management

Table of Contents
1. The supply challenge
2. The evolution of purchasing and supply management
3. The make–buy decision: a theoretical perspective
4. Sourcing strategies and supply chain configurations
5. Strategic supplier selection
6. Supplier development
7. Supply strategy: the development of the strategic supply wheel
8. Aligning supply with corporate strategy
9. Competency and skills development for strategic supply
10. Organisational structures for supply management
11. Performance measurement
12. Cost–benefit analysis
13. Managing inter-firm relationships
14. Environmental and ethical issues in supply management
15. Involving suppliers in new product development
16. Public and regulated supply management
17. Electronic supply
18. The relevance of commodities
19. Services procurement
20. The future – a trajectory for supply management

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