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Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Programming Inside Out
Andrew Couch

Microsoft Access 2010

Table of Contents
Part 1: VBA Environment and Language
1. Using the VBA Editor and Debugging Code
2. Understanding the VBA Language Structure
3. Understanding the VBA Language Features
Part 2: Access Object Model and Data Access Objects (DAO)
4. Applying the Access Object Model
5. Understanding the Data Access Object Model
Part 3: Working with Forms and Reports
6. Using Forms and Events
7. Using Form Controls and Events
8. Creating Reports and Events
Part 4: Advanced Programming with VBA Classes
9. Adding Functionality with Classes
10. Using Classes and Events
11. Using Classes and Forms
Part 5: External Data and Office Integration
12. Linking Access Tables
13. Integrating Microsoft Office
Part 6: SQL Server and SQL Azure
14. Using SQL Server
15. Upsizing Access to SQL Server
16. Using SQL Azure
Part 7: Application Design
17. Building Applications
18. Using ADO and ADOX

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